I am doing to ToDo tutorial and on the section for testing (https://www.meteor.com/tutorials/blaze/testing). I wanted to write a test for a failed insert when the user is not logged in. Specifically method is:
'tasks.insert' (text) {
check (text, String);
// Make sure the user is logged in before inserting the task
if (! this.userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error ('not-authorized');
Tasks.insert ({
createdAt: new Date (),
owner: this.userId,
username: Meteor.users.findOne (this.userId).username,
From what I read elsewhere, you need to wrap the function being called in an anonymous function as I want to pass arguments. So my test is:
const badInsert = function (){
Tasks.insert ({
text: 'test task',
createAt: new Date (),
owner: null,
username: '',
assert.throws (badInsert, Meteor.Error, 'not-authorized');
When I run this test, however, I get:
Error: expected [Function: badInsert] to throw Error
I have also tried an assert on āErrorā instead of āMeteor.Errorā and get the same result. I read another thread where it implied that because Meteor.Error is a special type of error for passing from the server to the client that something happened it might not be a ānormalā error.
I did successfully write a test that showed no task was inserted.
assert.equal (Tasks.find ().count (), 0);
My basic question is: how to I test for this type of thrown error?
Thanks in advance,