Testing meteor api w/ Jest

I’m trying to figure out how to test methods/collections/publications with Jest. Here’s my repo and commit: https://github.com/Falieson/react-typescript-meteor/commit/42d07b60fc00574adbdf51ea9d50b01d3458ef18

I thought I could follow the example from https://github.com/orangecms/jest-meteor-demo using jest-meteor-stubs
like this

import { ValidatedMethod } from 'meteor/mdg:validated-method';
import Counters from './collections'

const {methods} = Counters

// describe('demo', () => {
//   it('should add foo', () => {
//     expect(ValidatedMethod).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
//       name: 'Foo.add',
//       run: jasmine.any(Function),
//       validate: undefined,
//     });
//   });
// });

test('Methods \'counters.add\' works', ()=> {
    name: 'Counters.methods.add',
    run: jasmine.any(Function),
    validate: undefined,

But I’m getting an error:

● Methods 'counters.add' works

    Expected mock function to have been called with:
      [{"name": "Counters.methods.add", "run": Any<Function>, "validate": undefined}]
    But it was not called.

And then I still haven’t figured out how to do publication and subscription testing w/ Jest.
I’d love an example set if someone knows of one.

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Did you get this straighted out? If so, could you share code and explain?