The Meteor Global Distributed Hackathon has begun!

Hi everyone,

Submissions are now open for the Meteor Global Distributed Hackathon!

This weekend, people will be spending 24 hours building meteor apps all over the world.

You can keep up with the submissions (and submit yourself!) by visiting, or checking out #builtwithmeteor. We’ll also be doing public voting on submissions Monday, which you can also access via the devpost page.


Reminder: You can join the Useful IO Slack team for live development support building your hackathon app starting at midnight Friday Pacific time - get your invite here:

We’re here to answer technical questions regarding Meteor, packages, etc if you need us or just want another place to hang out and talk with hackathon participants. :smile:

Reminder: You can join the Worldwide Meteor Hackathon Slack to share fun, tips and experiences between all cities and remote people

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hey there - We don’t have any ads on the site. Something else must be tripping your adblocker.

So the submission cut-off time has been extended to 3am EST? Just checking.

The submission deadline remains 12:00 AM PT, 3:00 AM Eastern. So, in a word, yes.