I love the colors! Maybe you could outline an outline of the pages and their sub sections. Here’s a quick vision to get the ball rolling:
- GETTING STARTED (motivation, what is blaze, usage, comparison to react etc)
- INSTALL (without meteor, with meteor, plugins without Meteor [eg AutoForm])
- SPECIAL TOPICS (animation, forms, events, callbacks)
- API [clone of http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/templates_api & http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/blaze]
- GUIDES [user submitted]
“Special Topics” could be called something better, but the idea is to provide an enhancement over basic API docs already available on docs.meteor.com. This could be the work @sashko was mentioning could be integrated back to the Meteor Guide site. In fact, could work on it in the Guide github repo, and then put it in both places–u know, for efficiency for all involved
“Guides” will need tools to upload a guide. We could accept them as a github readme and just parse sections by h3 tags in them (i’ve got code for this). That way we can continue to collaborate on guides together. This is as opposed to people just uploading guides, blog article style.
I think for the greater goal here of making Blaze appealing to developers outside of the Meteor community, we need an easy and recommended way for them to add packages like AutoForm for example. Along with GitHub - eface2face/meteor-client: Meteor client libraries that @avital mentioned, we need to prescribe techniques for browserify, webpack, etc, to easily incorporate other meteor client-only packages. That probably is the linchpin here in terms of acquiring enough escape velocity to leave meteor’s orbit and become something worthy of standing on its own. This sort of information would go on the INSTALL page and its sub sections.
On a side note, we should promote an implementation of meteor-client for Electron. Could be a great way to get buzz going for Meteor again (or, I guess, for the first time outside the Meteor world).