Thingking about Meteor 2.0 šŸ¤”

@robfallows I meant the same :slight_smile:.

Not sure how I miscommunicated to you, perhaps I should have also shown that the following works:

if (Meteor.isClient) {'uploadToS3AndLog', (uploadResponse, err) => {
    // `uploadResponse` matches `response = await s3.upload({}).promise()` on server-side

It appeared to me that @ramez seems to think using Future is the only way to return the result of server-side async operations to client-side, to which I clarified that my example would also work if the server-side async operation is done via promises.

Update: @robfallows ok I see now that what I wrote could be interpreted as the client also receiving a Promise. Like you rightly said, thatā€™s not how if works. The client-side handling remains the same. My focus was on being able to return the response of an async server-side operation using promise


You are not sure because I did not state any support or non-supportā€¦ :wink: My intent was to get people to think.

If you are talking about removing Fibers in the next release of Meteor, as someone with a few apps deployed I will not look at it with excitement, due to all the re-work needed if I need to upgrade. The paradigm of asynchronous code is not a natural fit to developers transitioning from pre-Node.js server side platforms and this applies to most corporate/enterprise developers. Server-side Meteor is really easy on these developers, specifically because the async nature on Node is abstracted for them, specially for MongoDB work. I do understand the appeal to people coming from Node.js thoughā€¦

So, I sit on the fenceā€¦ Maybe leaning towards not breaking all the apps out there while Fibers is still usable.

A few old discussions on the subject for reference:


Cool, my intention behind saying so was to make you reveal your intent :smiley:

Thanks for sharing the previous discussions on the topic, I should have searched the repo issues harder. Gonna go through them to see if itā€™s worth re-igniting the discussion in the repo.

Btw, Iā€™m not at all suggesting fibers should be removed in the next release. The OP asked about Meteor 2.0 and I thought that would be the best time to revisit a fundamental decision like fibers considering todayā€™s realities


Just thinking loud here, canā€™t we just conditionally wrap the main function based on the presence of a ā€œFiberā€ package or some config? that way the ā€œsomehow refactored core packagesā€ can run without Fiber but if dev have legacy code or want to use Fiber they can add that package.

Same here.

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Right, if there is a way to be backwards-compatible. The point is, we need something for server-side methods for async. Fibers is one (good) way, we can simulate other ways to have more appeal.

Just to throw in my idea of backwards compatibility in this picture - using mongo as an example:

  1. Take the package which currently use Fibers, refactor it to use promises and rename it to mongo-promise.
  2. Create a new package, depending on mongo-promise, which waits for the result of the promise by using Fiber - and thereby establishes the old behavior. Call it mongo-fiber.
  3. Create a new package having the same name as the package initially had (mongo) and let it only depend on mongo-fiber.

This will give the core-team the possibility to e.g. add a deprecation-notice in a later version and give people the choice to either switch to mongo-fiber if they want to keep fiber, but encourage them to switch to mongo-promise - or to leave it in place.

In this case:

  1. People can themselves decide when to switch
  2. It can run side-by-side for an undefined while until we decided definitively where to go
  3. Even if the core components wonā€™t switch, the individual developer will have the possibility to use promises.

On the other side, this might create a big confusion when dealing with older code (e.g. if a package never would release a new version but remain at a fiber-based solution but other plugins will - and you then will have to deal with the mess that half of your mongo-instances now are async while others use fibers).

Just my $0.02 ā€¦


I like your approach. I understand your worries, It all boils down to strategy and tactics. If the strategic decision has been made to switch to async, it should be put down everywhere. New pull requests or packages that rely on Fibers would for example not make it into the core from that point on. Over time, the dept has to be solved.

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I think this thread has gone long enough. I think if you want to discuss the specifics create a new thread and link it here. I would ask you to focus here on any other conceptual ideas (if we havenā€™t exhausted this topic already :smiley: ).


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Something sad that I used to like in Meteor was the WOW! NO IMPORTS!!!

But later they introduced the new import build.

As long as you donā€™t want to precisely call file order, why not import everything directly?

And what if I want to control import order? A numbered list is created in a .meteor file after each meteor command, and can be edited manually for the next build to occur in the correct js file order.

The idea is that the webdesigner can easily control the load order with as minimum boilerplate as possible.

Then all my componentā€™s code will be simpler.

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I had an idea some days ago and might be in line with the lets say marketing strategy of meteor.

Why not create a meteor-community github organization and rebrand some of the most important packages that have been abandoned and or their mainteiners agree to change the ownership.

I think this could have a possitive effect having a more up to date and better maintained repos that can make improve the confidence for newcomers.

What do you guys think about it?


Well, the old system without imports still works. But having everything available globally easily becomes unmanageable as your application grows. And more important, it makes Meteor in line with the javascript ecosystem. Meteor started out with its own packaging, module system, code-style, etcā€¦ While many of these decisions were well motivated and often way ahead of their time, they made Meteor stand alone on an island. And as the JS ecosystem evolves it became hard to keep up and developers left Meteor.


I have my concerns about this because youā€™re basically giving plugins then on the hand of many where not everyone is cooperating with everyone else. You can easily have people who ā€œjust want to fix something smallā€ and start pushing out a new version as they please etc.

Maybe itā€™s a part of my german culture, but I like if someone is responsible for things. This is also why (in my eyes) packages should have maintainers and not just be ā€œat the communityā€.

Iā€™d rather personally pick up packages which have been abandoned and ask the author to get access to github and atmosphere to publish new versions on their behalf - or join groups having packages which are related to each other (like the meteor-testing group).

Iā€™ve also started forking packages and pushed out a notification in this forum about it and in the ticket system in case the author was not responding to my request (either approving or denying - but just keeping silent) for weeks or sometimes even months.


I know I will lose the battle in advance because you all chose the ā€˜community aspectā€™ first and my opinion is unpopular.

I will share it still. Maybe some people will stop being dogmatic and actually listen :crossed_fingers:

I argue that there should be the choice: all fine for current imports system. Letā€™s keep it.

The concept of automatic imports should be pushed further.
This is so handy for small teams, and for prototyping ! Which is where Meteor (used to?) shine

The automatic import system is still working, but now it seems to be covered with dust and didnā€™t get proper attention recently.

Having a system to fine-tune load order easily as I suggest would dramatically simplify the codebase for small projects.

Being able to control load order means that the most important scripts will be loaded first and I can control that easily as well.

I just thought this was a nice option, especially for beginners. God it seemed so easy to get started on Meteor before, but since imports are a part of the Meteor tutorial, I see a lot more complexity from a beginnerā€™s point of view.


No worries. When systems scale, it becomes hard to chose what goes in and what not. For this reason its good to look at what users want. It probably seemed like a good idea to go import based, because the auto import version had issues regarding scale.

Unfortunatly this decision also impacted the entry level for new devs and prototypers

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You can already fine-tune the load order by naming convention thanks to the rules of automatic loading here:
ie. /lib/ first, then depth first search, each folder ordered by filename.

As soon as you create a file with a list of imports in order, you might as well use native importsā€¦

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You can already fine-tune the load order by naming convention thanks to the rules of automatic loading here:

I have a huge problem with that, since the file structure is the number one thing that makes a codebase understandable and clear. Iā€™ve been dealing with having to prepend my filenames with numbers, just because I needed to gain control over the load order. Alternatively Iā€™ve dealth with writing atmosphere packages that wrapped my app code just because in those packages I did have control over the load order.

I want to ppint out another thing. Learning curves are not a bad thing. They need to exist in order to make developers better. Not using imports and all of its benefits removes part of the required skills to properly structure applications and opens the next curve towards learning about NPM and dynamic imports / code splitting


On this I donā€™t understand. Is it job protection? Because I would argue that every line of code you donā€™t write, and every process you donā€™t have to run will save you time and productivity.

It is good to learn but not for the sake of learning.

You learn to become a better programmer. Better in this case means knowing why imports are a good thing compared to all the issues described by @cloudspider. Writing those lines of code are good, because it solves an issue. It wonā€™t save you time and productivity in the long run if you skip learning those steps.

You could also skip writing tests and be more productive at the start, but youā€™ll pay for it later.

I get a feeling this is getting of topic though :wink:


Absolutely. The OP has specifically requested that any further posts should be on-topic:

@antoninadert: please start a new topic if you want to discuss coding styles in Meteor.

This thread has gone on long enough.