This.render is not a function (brand new app with Full scaffolding)

Any ideas on how I can fix this error?:

TypeError: this.render is not a function
    at Route.action [as _action] (routes.js:12:10)
    at Route.callAction (ostrio_flow-router-extra.js?hash=d7f90c3c7644d9af5b0850bac6b37e2d908d48d4:934:10)
    at ostrio_flow-router-extra.js?hash=d7f90c3c7644d9af5b0850bac6b37e2d908d48d4:617:13
    at Tracker.withComputation (tracker.js:640:12)
    at Tracker.nonreactive (tracker.js:625:18)
    at ostrio_flow-router-extra.js?hash=d7f90c3c7644d9af5b0850bac6b37e2d908d48d4:601:13
    at tracker.js:331:47
    at Tracker.withComputation (tracker.js:640:12)
    at Computation._compute (tracker.js:330:39)
    at Computation._recompute (tracker.js:352:16)

I just started this app with the Full scaffolding feature by typing meteor create.

Not sure if this is related.

This project is already at Meteor 3.0.2, the latest release.
Your top-level dependencies are at their latest compatible versions.
The following top-level dependencies were not updated to the very latest version available:
 * johanbrook:publication-collector 1.0.0 (1.1.0 is available)
 * ostrio:flow-router-extra 2.11.0 (3.10.1 is available)

Did you try to update these two packages to the latest version?

This is an issue with newer versions of ostrio:flow-router-extra which I downgraded to 3.9.0 to make it work for now.

I also opened an issue here: v3.11.0-rc300.1 does not work with Blaze 3.0.0 · Issue #115 · veliovgroup/flow-router · GitHub

Edit: just saw you had an older version of ostrio:flow-router-extra which weirdly has the same issue :eyes:

However, please try to upgrade it manually in .meteor/packages via


or to 3.9.0 if that error remains. Please also report in the issue :slight_smile:

// CC @dr.dimitru