Timeline for Cordova Update

Cordova released 5.0.0 yesterday. Is there a timeline for when we can get the new version with Meteor? It fixes a number of bug fixes.


bump (and now a sentence to get past 20 characters)

Or maybe a method to upgrade the version of cordova manually if we so choose?

Create a feature request on https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues . I see that the packaging system changed as well - they moved to npm so there might be some additional work required.

I did a bit of work to get this started, it’s far from finished for a merge but it will get cordova 5 going if that’s what you want. As an added bonus I created a crosswalk package to add the cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview

clone https://github.com/copleykj/meteor, move to the meteor dir and checkout the cordova5-update branch

./scripts/generate-dev-bundle.sh - run the script to build the dev_bundle

./scripts/generate-android-bundel.sh - run the script to build the android_bundle

move to a meteor project directory and then create and/or move into the packages directory

symlink the following packages using ln -s meteor-checkout-dir/packages/packageName

  • webapp
  • autoupdate
  • launch-screen
  • logging
  • crosswalk (if you would like to use it instead of the standard webview) - will need to meteor add crosswalk as well

move back to your meteor project dir and use the meteor command in your meteor checkout

meteor-checkout-dir/meteor install-sdk

meteor-checkout-dir/meteor run android-device/android-emulator - should now build and install your app

If anyone wants to help finish it off, please jump in… Maybe we could also get some direction about what all needs to be done from @slava as well