Todos Tests Failing

I pulled Todos master, and the tests are failing.

In the definition for sends all todos for a private list when logged in as owner, I get:

The Mongo server and the Meteor query disagree on how many documents match your query. Maybe it is hitting a Mongo edge case?

todos.inList sends no todos for a private list when not logged in: fails with

Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.

even though done is called.

Things I’ve tried: upgrading to Meteor 1.8.1 and upgrading all meteor and npm packages, with meteortesting:mocha 1.1.3 => 6.2.0 which will only run with --allow-incompatible-update. I’ve also tried to turn todos.inList into a promise.

In this Mocha issue, it was suggested that Meteor was defaulting to the 1.x version of Mocha-core. Does this seem relevant to the tests failing? What can I do to fix the difference in the query documents and timeout issues?

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