Tools/Meteor package to generate docs (help) in project?

I would to generate docs (Help) in my project.
(Optional, if can convert to PDF/Word is good)
Please advise.

Generate docs?
Generate docs based on comments?

Something like:


Very thanks, I will check :smile:

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Hi guys,

may I ask whats the current state on this one?

I am searching for a tool to generate docs with 2 functions:

  1. generate from code-comments (API style)
  2. generate from markdown/rst/text, for example for “how to install, coding guidelines, design decisions, whatever” guides. I have used restructured-text (rst) before and liked it a lot.

And then of course it would be cool to have it integrated into the meteor workflow: doing automatic .html generation “on the fly” while developing…

What is the best tool you can recon for this? :grinning: