Tracker React does not update ready state of subscription

Hello everyone,

I have two react components:

export default class Viewer extends TrackerReact(React.Component)

export default class EpubViewer extends TrackerReact(React.Component)

In the render method of the component Viewer I check if it is ready and if it is true I return the component EpubViwer

getEbook() {
console.log(“getEbook”, this.state.subscription.ebook.ready());
if (this.state.subscription.ebook.ready()) {
if (this.state.subscription.ebook.query().count()) {
return this.state.subscription.ebook.query().fetch()[0];
} else {
return { notFound: true };
} else {
return null;

    let ebook = this.getEbook();
    if (ebook) {
        if (ebook.notFound) {
            return (
                <div className="notFound">
                    No existe ningún ebook con el ISBN solicitado
                   <EpubViewer ebook={ebook} />
        return (
            <div className="loader">
                Loading ...


So far so good, console.log shows two logs, the first is ready is false and the second is true, this works thanks to tracker-react.

getEbook false
getEbook true

My problem comes with the next component I return, EpubViewer, where I do exactly the same thing but with a different collection.

In this case tracker-react is not working and console.log only shows me a false one time, and never gets to be ready. Why in the first component works and in the second not if I’m doing the same? Thank you. A greeting.