Transforming Documents in Publication

I, for the life of me, can’t seem to understand or implement transformations in publications :confused:. I have this Patients collection:

Patients = new Mongo.Collection("patients", {
    transform: function (doc) {
        if ( {
   = Companies.findOne(;
        return doc;

Here’s an overview of part of the structure of the document.
Note, I’m trying to get the company name from work.company_id:

  profile: {
    name: 'Chris Blahblah'
  work: {
    company_id: ...

I have my publication that gets all the patients:

Meteor.publish('patients.all', function () {
    return Patients.find({}, {fields: {
        '': 1,
        'work.company_id': 1

and I have my subscriptions like so:

Template.patient_row.onCreated(function () {

This, of course, doesn’t work. So how do I go about transforming my data?

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