I’ve built a quite complicated app on top of blaze, and in general I am very happy with it, despite it being a little long in the tooth these days.
There are a few things I wish I had though, so I was looking for some recs at which tool I might want to look at next.
The main things that I find I generally want in my next view layer are:
-template inheritance, so that one child template could inherit properties and functions from some base parent template
-easier access to variables inside child templates. I know there are several ways around this and I use many of them, like using a shared reactive variable, using session var, getting data from the router etc. But sometimes it would be great to be able, from a parent helper or event, to just query a variable that the child tempalte has defined
-similarly, the ability to execute a function defined in the template. For example, having a parent form template and lots of children templates representing elements, it would be nice to tell each child element to clear itself (or similarly defined functions)
-The ability to have the new system live peaceably alongside the old one during my transition
-plays nicely with flowrouter, has serverside rendering options
I know react is the new hotness, but I’m interested in what my other options are that provide the above features as of 2020. I don’t need a framework that promises automagic forms and widgets…I have had no issue building my own widgets in blaze incorporating other npm libs like selectize, ckeditor, my own version ‘editable’ widgets etc, so the less the view framework tries to do, the better.