Trying to use firebase for push notifications for android app and failing

Hello guys,

I am trying to set up push notifications for both iOS and Android using Firebase Cloud Messaging. These apps are Cordova built using meteor 1.5 and Cordova 4.3. I have installed the following



and I am using Push.configure in both the server and the client just as instructed. I have also created a project in firebase and put all the necessary configs (to my understanding) in the Push.config from firebase

Two issues I notice (besides push notification is not arriving on the device)

  1. No Dialogue asking me to accept push notifications from the app when I build the app and put it on a device

  2. The device is not registered in Firebase when app is installed on device

This is for an Android device pixel 2. Any tutorials (That have been verified to work), any other sustainable options besides firebase and advice in if I am using the packages wrong etc are all welcome

An Update, when I send push notifications now I am getting this error. “Dialog is not defined”

I20190112-15:04:36.456(1)? 01-12 15:04:37.788  1803  1803 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(271)] "Push.Notification:", source: http://localhost:12800/4d750e11dba73428d607d887e34f6b22289a3752.js?meteor_js_resource=true (271)

I20190112-15:04:36.457(1)? 01-12 15:04:37.788  1803  1803 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(312)] "Error in Success callbackId: PushNotification1824249486 : ReferenceError: Dialog is not defined", source: http://localhost:12800/cordova.js (312)

I20190112-15:04:36.457(1)? 01-12 15:04:37.789  1803  1803 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(314)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: Dialog is not defined", source: http://localhost:12800/cordova.js (314)

Hey, @adim86 did you get any solution of this?