TWIM team and @alanning are looking for Meteor apps/projects for livecoding improvements

The TWIM team and @alanning is looking for a Meteor app/project for livecoding improvements. We will focus on teaching:

  1. How to identify technical debt
  2. Resources we use to learn how to think about managing software
  3. How to refactor code
  4. How to help the app/project improve

If you’d like to get some free help, please share your projects here. Provide a link to the git repo and tell us a little about the project and you.

As we get the projects we’ll schedule the livestream dates so you can follow along. @alanning is also considering including pairing for some of the streams.


If you want to know more about this idea, check out our episode on technical debt:

you are welcome to use WeKan as example, and send PR for any improvements. It would be nice to have WeKan upgraded to Meteor 3, dependencies updated, forks from wekan/packages/ merged to Meteor Community Packages, etc.

Some other current issues are mentioned here:

Info how to build WeKan is at Emoji · wekan/wekan Wiki · GitHub

You can add or comment issues for any questions.

For any invitations to participate to podcast, please send email to

WeKan website is


Looks fun. Are you on the team for wework meteor?

I wish I was :sweat_smile: I’m a mere spectator. Weworkmeteor is an important project showcasing Meteor capabilities and hasn’t been updated in a while. I bet it’d be an interesting challenge to migrate to 3.0 especially considering that it suffers from an interesting bug when updated to 3.0

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I agree it would be good. However, I believe the hope is to have the blessing of the project owner to do this.

Other suggestions?

Thanks, @xet7 – WeKan is certainly a good example of MeteorJS code and a worthy challenge for the exercise!

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