I’m not really sure what you mean
When the user initially loads the page the client sends a HTTP request to the server which returns a plain HTTP response
I’ll try to explain by going step by step:
- The user navigates to the website
- The client sends a request for a URL to the server
- The server generates static HTML and sends it to the client
- The client receives static html which the user can see instantly
- React starts up on the client and loads the components into memory
- react-dom compares the app in memory to the static html and attaches the behaviour and event listeners it needs onto the static DOM to make it into a dynamic react app (This process is called Hydration)
- If a client side router is used, further navigation is handled on the client side only
The benefit of SSR is that the user can see the page as soon as the html arrives, rather than after all the javacsript has loaded / compiled / run and generated the page client side
There is no real connection between the two