Unit Testing and Mocking in Jest in Meteor 1.8

I’m looking to add unit tests and mocking to my existing code base on Meteor 1.8 uing Jest and maybe even React Testing Framework.

I don’t see many complete examples of mocking things like a Mongo (‘meteor/mongo’) collection or a Meteor method (‘meteor/meteor’) for example.

My setup:


  "devDependencies": {
    "faker": "^4.1.0",
    "jest": "^24.7.1",
    "meteor-jest-stubs": "^1.8.0"


module.exports = {
    transform: {
      '^.+\\.jsx?$': 'babel-jest',
    moduleFileExtensions: [
    modulePaths: [
    unmockedModulePathPatterns: [
    modulePathIgnorePatterns: [

If I run jest --watch the following code fails


const Mongo = require('meteor/mongo')
const accounts = new Mongo.Collection("accounts");

function getDependentCounts() {

it('first mongo test', () => {
  const dependentCounts = getDependentCounts(); /*?*/



TypeError: Mongo.Collection is not a constructor

      1 | 
      2 | const Mongo = require('meteor/mongo')
    > 3 | const accounts = new Mongo.Collection("accounts");
        |                  ^
      4 | 
      5 | function getDependentCounts() {

I understand that I need to mock this Mongo call, and I have not done so yet. But doesn’t Jest even have the capability to pull in ‘meteor/mongo’ and actually make a call to MongoDB? How are we suppose to do integration testing at some point?

And when I add a Collection mock:

Add a mock directory and a mapper to resolve

    moduleNameMapper: {
      "^meteor/(.*)": "<rootDir>/.mocks/$1.js"

Mock the collection

const Collection = jest.fn();
Collection.prototype.attachSchema = jest.fn();
Collection.prototype.insert = jest.fn();
Collection.prototype.update = jest.fn();
Collection.prototype.remove = jest.fn();
Collection.prototype.findOne = jest.fn();
Collection.prototype.find = jest.fn(() => ({
  count: jest.fn(),
  fetch: jest.fn(),
Collection.prototype.helpers = jest.fn();
Collection.prototype.before = {
  insert: jest.fn(),
  update: jest.fn(),
Collection.prototype.after = {
  insert: jest.fn(),
  update: jest.fn(),
const Mongo = { Collection };

const RemoteCollectionDriver = jest.fn();
RemoteCollectionDriver.prototype.open = jest.fn().mockReturnThis();
RemoteCollectionDriver.prototype.insert = jest.fn();
RemoteCollectionDriver.prototype.update = jest.fn();
RemoteCollectionDriver.prototype.remove = jest.fn();
RemoteCollectionDriver.prototype.findOne = jest.fn();
RemoteCollectionDriver.prototype.find = jest.fn(() => ({
  count: jest.fn(),
  fetch: jest.fn(),
const MongoInternals = { RemoteCollectionDriver };

module.exports = {

I get this error:

Configuration error:
    Could not locate module meteor/accounts-base mapped as:
    Please check your configuration for these entries:
      "moduleNameMapper": {
        "/^meteor\/(.*)/": "/Users/aadams/Meteors/development/fp-client/.mocks/$1.js"
      "resolver": null

      at createNoMappedModuleFoundError (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/index.js:471:17)
          at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
      at SearchSource.findRelatedTests (node_modules/@jest/core/build/SearchSource.js:280:30)
      at SearchSource.findTestRelatedToChangedFiles (node_modules/@jest/core/build/SearchSource.js:363:14)

Hi, did you have a find a solution to your error for jest not being able to load “meteor/mongo?”