#each is used to iterate over a cursor or an array. Your example is neither - it’s an object. Is it possible to change the structure to a form which can be iterated over? Something like:
In your helper that returns your data from the cursor you transform the data into a format that is much easier to iterate with Blaze.
Iterate that and profit $$$.
e.g. using underscore and ES2015 I would write something like…
data () {
let d = getMyDataFromDB() // might have to add .fetch() if it's really a cursor
let ret = []
_.each(d.entry, (val, key) => {
ret.push(_.extend({}, val, {key})) // adding the original object value plus the random key available as "key"
return ret
And in the template you can then just do…
{{#each data}}
time: {{time}}
type: {{type}}
(possibly more properties of each entry)
This is the "randomkey1231x" key thing: {{key}}