Update current user's data

I created a webpage where the users can update their data (email, fullname, password). It calls this meteor method on the server:

    'users.updateCurrentUser'(doc) {
      if (!this.userId) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized', 'you must be a logged in!');
      check(doc.email, String),
      check(doc.profile.fullname, String),
      check(doc.password, String);

      const isSuccess = Users.update(this.userId, {
        $set: {
          'emails.0.address': doc.email,
          profile: doc.profile
      Accounts.setPassword(this.userId, doc.password);

      if (isSuccess) {
        console.log(`User with id: ${this.userId} was updated`);
      } else {
        throw new Meteor.Error('unsuccessful-update', `User with id: ${this.userId} couldn't be updated`);

The update works but my problem is that everytime the user does this update then they’ll get logged out. Is there a way to prevent this?



Accounts.setPassword(this.userId, doc.password, {logout: false})