I’m trying to create a document, that last 120 seconds, and as soon as i call this method i want the TTL to restart.
At the moment i can"t update my document, after 120 sc … the document get deleted and re-created instead of being always updated.
There is my collection :
LaptopConnections = new Mongo.Collection('laptopConnection');
let LaptopConnectionSchema = new SimpleSchema({
creationDate: {
type: Date,
label: "Date when the laptop was created",
defaultValue: Date.now
"state.date": {
type: Date,
label: "time when the laptop was updated",
autoValue: function () {
return new Date;
, { timestamps: true }
And there is my method :
Meteor.startup(() => {
LapConnections._ensureIndex({ createdAt: 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 120 });// Will delete the collection after ~~ two minutes,
create_lapconnection(lap_id) {
check(lap_id, String);
if (!LapConnections.findOne({ _id: lap_id })) {
_id: box_id,
creationDate: Date.now(),
} else {
LaptopConnections.update({ _id: lap_id }, { upsert: true }, {
$set: {
"state.date": Date.now(),