Updated MongoDB not matching up with app DB

I updated my MongoDB to the new engine (Wired Tiger) and made no other changes.

Now when I run my app and run ‘meteor mongo’ in a separate terminal, there is no value in a collection (db.collection.findOne() returns null) that does show a value when I log it to the console from a subscribed template.

I think my app may be using 2 databases? How can I check that my app is only using 1 mongodb?


when you run meteor mongo command, you will see something like:

MongoDB shell version v3.4.10
connecting to: mongodb://

it has host, port, database.

My app is running at http://localhost:3000 and mongodb looks like this when I run meteor mongo:

MongoDB shell version v3.4.10
connecting to: mongodb://

I believe this is how it has always looked but the data in the collections does not match up between terminal console and browser?

The only change I made to my project was updating from mmapv1 to Wired Tiger