Updating 1.3 -> 1.4, hot code push not working?

Hey guys,

Since updating from to 1.4.1 and deploying to Galaxy, hot code push isn’t working for either Android or iOS clients. I haven’t changed any Cordova plugins, nor do I see anything in the Meteor release notes about changing the Cordova platform version, so what could be causing the hot code push to fail?

Is there any way to view some debugging output related to hot code push for either platform?

You can check the CORDOVA_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION in the manifest of the hosted app against the locally running version. If the hash doesn’t match, something had to have changed with a cordova package / dependency.

curl https://myapp.meteorapp.com/__cordova/manifest.json

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I found out that I had removed an atmosphere package (mdg:geolocation) that had a Cordova plugin dependency, so that’s where my mismatch came in. I’m still in the process of deploying to my server to test if hot code push is working, but until then I have a new question:

Is it possible to list ALL installed Cordova plugins and Atmosphere packages, including ones which are included as dependencies?

This is really helpful, how can I check this in the localhost? Because when I try to do that on the localhost I get an error because of the router I’m using.

Not sure about this one - AFAIK this is what Meteor is doing under the hood with the compatibility hash. Any reason why you need it?

@cosio55 that command isn’t meant for the browser, it’s for the command line…try this:

curl localhost:3000/__cordova/manifest.json

I’m pretty sure you’d have to be running with the --production flag to get what the manifest would look like deployed.

Any luck getting HCP working? I’m actually running into a similar problem with 1.3 -> 1.4 on Galaxy. The update comes through, but for some reason times out and reverts to the old version.

@cosio55: i found that __meteor_runtime_config__ in browser console is a good alternative

A major upgrade for meteor will very likely update Cordova so there will be differences. So just deploy a new version to the App Store?

Sorry for the late reply.

After re-adding the missing Cordova plugin I had unknowingly removed my HCP began working again as usual. I didn’t have any issues relating to the update from 1.3 -> 1.4.

The only thing I can think of for your case would be that Meteor is marking your version as faulty. See here:

@erikwall seems you are right I don’t see real Cordova changes in this major version upgrade.


Won’t catch all changes but it seems you are totally right. Maybe meteor should really list when there is a change in Cordova dependencies so it is more clear when an update to the AppStore is required for meteor related changes.