I’m getting this error when I try the update method:
allow-deny.js:494 Uncaught Error: Not permitted. Untrusted code may only update documents by ID.
I guess I can’t do that on the client. I’ll just have to pull the doc and replace. Will that make the app slow though?
Yeah. I’m really concerned about the security part. Being a little bit green with Meteor, I’m not sure how exactly to tackle that, but I’m yet to do my research on the matter.
Nested anything in mongo is a pain. Or maybe I just don’t understand projections very well… The pattern I use is:
const <someConst> = <someCollection>.findOne({ _id: id }); // assuming you have id for the top level
// Index 1
const aIndex = <theFirstIndex> // do whatever to find the array index for level 1
// Index 2
const bIndex = <theSecondIndex> // do whatever to find the array index for level 2
let setModifier = { $set: {} };
'services.'+ aIndex + '.service_name.' + bIndex + '.<someThingElse>'
] = <whateverItShouldBe>; // Assume the array has 2 levels of nesting
// hence aIndex and bIndex... the dot-notation is used to specify the array element index
<someCollection>.update({ _id: id }, setModifier);
I can never do my searches nicely with the projections like the examples show, and then manipulate the data super efficiently. Hence my noob method.
Thanks so much.
Edit: Basically i don’t trust my code when using projections in mongo. So I work it out manually and go from there…
Sure - i hear what you are saying. But how do you specify what the $ should be? Like I understand what you are saying, just can’t work out how to do it. If you could stick up an example of doing a search in a nested object array, it would be most appreciated.
The example is up there. You search through an array (that’s what "services.service_id": "rct" is for) and then $stands for the index of the array’s position for the result.
hmm… I get what you are saying. I’m not sure fully, so am playing with it. Thanks for taking the time to walk me through it. I think i’ll try some stuff and then understand it better. Thanks so much.
hey guys,
i am having a doubt,i want to update all the objects in an array with a unique id. i tried this,but all the objects are getting same id,but i want all objects with unique id’s
my code:collection.update({“Finra Rules.Part.Subparts”:{"$type":“array”}},{"set":{"Finra Rules.Part.[].id":ObjectId()}})