Updating QueryParams without FlowRouter Refresh

Hi all,

I am implementing an app with react and FlowRouter and have I created a react category tree component.
Each node if the tree has a checkbox which can be selected. The selected nodes are displayed in a list below the tree.
The initially activated nodes are defined coma separated within the url as a query parameter, so they get “checked” when the page is loaded. The subscription of the tree data is done within the component (as described in the meteor react documentation).
Everything works fine so far. When I check/uncheck a node, the list above gets updated smoothly by react. The problem starts when I update the query parameter using FlowRouter to ensure it maps to the current state of the tree. This leads to a page refresh since the route is changing.
Is there any way to avoid reloads of partial app parts? I could not find a solution in the documentation.
Maybe anybody can give me a hint.
Thanks a very lot!

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I am not aware of queryParams re-routing.
We are using queryParams and till I specifically set FlowRouter.getQueryParams(“variant”) to trigger resubscribe in few templates, there was nothing happening.
Are you not tracking that getQueryParams as reactive source somewhere forcing re-render ?

Ah, I was wrong, just checked and the router action: is run when updating queryParams.
But in my case with blazelayout and templates there is just no visible change nor template re-creation seems.

has anybody found a solution for this?