Hello @grubba and @denyhs, could you please update on the progress of this issue? As this is the first application of a patch on the independently supported node 14, it would be interesting to see when we would be able to have safe production installations.
For those who are with the zlib issue, we have great news!
curl https://install.meteor.com/\?release\=2.13.1 | sh
It will probably solve your issues downloading and unpacking packages.
Thanks @grubba, I tried to use the above versione but I got the error:
14:43:33 internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1175
14:43:33 return process.dlopen(module, path.toNamespacedPath(filename));
14:43:33 ^
14:43:33 Error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by /home/node/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.2.13.1.gadqg5.bafha++os.linux.x86_64+web.browser+web.browser.legacy+web.cordova/mt-os.linux.x86_64/dev_bundle/lib/node_modules/vscode-nsfw/build/Release/nsfw.node)
14:43:33 at Object.Module._extensions..node (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1175:18)
Normally, we use a 14-bullseye-slim docker image to generate the build, but I also tried the 18-bullseye-slim with the same error.
That is really weird! We tested in galaxy both using the CLI and P2D and it did worked without any changes
Seems some OS like ubuntu 20.04 uses an older version of glibc than what is used to compile the meteor build
Any idea how this can be solved, RJ?
The team just launched a new version to fix this issue. Can you try again using the 2.13.3 version?
I will try to rebuild it again but like I wrote I didn’t install 2.13.1 either so I still don’t understand why it selected that specific version for the Meteor tool.
@a4xbj1, we use a docker based on version 14-bulleye-slim for distribution. @grubba, could you please tell us which distribution you use on which platforms it works?
Can you explain what happened and what was done to fix it? “Here’s a fix” is not very instructive to understanding the root cause and the change needed to make it work. Clear summarizations make these threads far more useful for future readers, increases trust, and reduces frustration from both users and those called upon to help.
@grubba: with version 2.13.3, which is neither documented nor officially released, it seems to work correctly. Where should we look to be updated on these important changes? We are talking about sites in production with an uncertified version of node. Thank you.
For those of us not working on the codebase, it isn’t so clear what changes were made to fix the release. Based upon reading the changelog, I understand
- The ESM Node.js release (v was compiled on a CentOS Linux distro.
- The release (v that was creating the error posted above was because it was compiled on a Ubuntu Linux distro.
Do I have that right?
Yeah, Alim! You got it. I’ve made this fix while travelling. That is the reason why it is missing some pieces. I’m planning on starting working today on adjusting these edges.
Just a heads up @grubba that CentOS 7 will EOL next year. I supposed this is what you are using to get a low version glibc that is still maintained.
Rocky linux looks like a viable option for long term support short of going straight to RHEL. Rocky linux 8 will bump glibc to 2.28.
Ubuntu 20.04 is at 2.31.