Upload album with text

anyone know package?
i want to upload album with text on every image.
basically i want to upload multiple image and every image must contain textbox for text. in meteor.
I want to store images’ name in array for every user.

I use CollectionFS for my file uploads. It’s got options to store files on the filesystem or in MongoDB (or even Amazon S3), and it has a plugin for Imagemagick so you can resize images for thumbnails etc. After you’ve uploaded a file you can add whatever extra fields you want to the file object.

I believe it’s still the most popular package, but there may be newer alternatives that are a little simpler maybe?

But collectionFS Package is giving error @ The provided value ‘undefined’ is not a valid enum value of type XMLHttpRequestResponseType.

and second thing i want to store image name in one array. i dont wanna insert row for every image.
any suggestion from ur side.
i want to create album like facebook.

Hmm, you don’t want to store the name on the file object? I would think that would be the most convenient. But if you wish to store it somewhere else you could do that too.

An image album is very easy to do with CollectionFS. You just subscribe to and do a find() on your file collection just like a normal Meteor collection, and then make a Blaze template or React component to display the results.

The provided value ‘undefined’ is not a valid enum value of type XMLHttpRequestResponseType. CollectionFS is giving error. and CollectionFS insert every time new row for every image.