Usability And User Experience Testing

I know this is not exactly what is meant to be posted here at least becaus it isn’t so especially Meteor releated but i thought it might be a good idea to ask technically like minded guys so here we go:

How do you guys do usability and/or user experience testing with your app? Like A/B-testing some Buttons, Newsletter forms, whatever? What tools and tactics do you use?

Hope to get some feedback here.



Start with iron:router to set up the A/B alternatives. I like using Nightwatch scripts to make sure that the different url routes conform to the same tests (i.e. all the ids are named the same, the same buttons are on each page, even if they’re designed differently, etc). Then figure out a testing rubric and deployment method… could be as simple as sending the different routes to different potential customers, to as advanced as using Mechanical Turk.


I’m not this far in Meteor yet, but some usual suspects:


A/B testing isn’t usability testing. Usability testing would be sitting down with a person, watching them use the app, and then making qualitative observations.

I would start with literally grabbing the first person you see who isn’t on the dev team (hallway usability testing) and observing them. Keep doing that every week and you will learn a lot.

When you want to do testing at scale, something like Lookback or Intercom for measuring what people are doing is essential, and after that you can move forward to professional usability testing services and tools. But don’t prematurely optimize! Just start by watching how people use your software.


I agree with @rahul

Guerilla Usability Testing with a tool like Silverback might be a good goto.

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A cheap and effective way to find Usability issues is letting people use your app and observe them. There is a lot more to it to make it effective ;-). You can find more details on this page: I have this method from the book “Don’t make me think”.

The tool Inspectlet let you do something similar. But you don’t get verbal feedback and cannot ask the user questions.

There are also sevices like that also let you do that. But it costs more.

And now you can install Inspectlet easily with xolvio:inspectlet

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Thanks for this…

It’s amusing these testing services give free use for a few users, as in practice, you only need to test five users to discover 99% of your usability problems.

So be free and enjoy! :blush:

Another super affordable service for remote user testing is UserBob

I want to suggest for everyone to test usability testing using eye tracking technology. We worked with this company - They can do remote testing for your apps and design.

Here’s a case study for Lyft that I wrote, outlining how they conduct User Research sprints for gathering insights. The most useful part is the graphic about halfway down the page which describes their weekly schedule/steps. Their process is based on Google’s 4-day research sprints.

Shameless plug: I work for a company called Lookback that develops tools for recording usability tests using only the user’s phone/laptop. It’s super simple to install and allows you to capture UX insights for reflecting on later, or sharing with project stakeholders. There’s nothing more effective for explaining UX issues to developers than seeing that baffled look on a user’s face as they stumble through your app :wink:
(Also, we wrote it in Meteor.)

Anyway, I hope some of that helps you!
You’re more than welcome to get in touch with us; our UX researcher is always keen to understand the jobs creators are looking to get done, and help them understand their users better. It’s a whole cyclical vortex of understanding! :smile:

I would recommend User testing with, it enables you to validate your design by conducting a variety of quantitative and qualitative user tests. Create a test of your choice by uploading prototypes of your design on our website and share it with your test users to know their preference. UXaudit is easy to use, it provides various test options, you can choose to crowdsource your tests for free, get real-time reports and it even supports 3rd party integration with tools like Jira.

Test UXaudit supports are listed below:

A/B testing: An AB preference test helps you to select a design variant by asking users as which one they prefer!
First Glance test: Is the first impression of your design in sync with your intended design motive? Test what your users understand from the design in first 5 seconds
Questionnaire Test: Get early feedback on your designs mockups and wireframes and analyse the data collected using world clouds
First Click test: Test user interaction with your designs to understand if the intended user actions are intuitive enough

Test Users:
You can invite your test users via email or upload your tests to Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. UXaudit can also help you in getting users for testing your prototypes through crowdsourcing. Just sign up for it and get your tests validated by 1000s of users worldwide for free.

3rd Party Integration:
Apart from assisting you in conducting these effective test, UXaudit also supports integration with Jira, you can upload your results to Jira or fetch a story from your project wall and convert that into a test.

Achieve optimal usability of your product with