Use all ES2015 and ES2016 APIs now (via core-js)

Use (nearly) all ES2015 and ES2016 APIs now. This package wraps the excellent core-js and brings it to Meteor apps.

While Meteor 1.2 has ES2015 support, it does not ship with all polyfills for the ES2015 (and ES2016) APIs yet.

Get it here: What do you get? Check out the list of features that are polyfilled.

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@Sanjo, do you remove package from atmosphere?
I can´t install and github repo return 404.
Do you know how can use WeakMap´s ?

No, it’s not unpublished. I just accidentally created a private repository for the package. It is now public. You maybe need Meteor for this package. Not sure. Here is the example of how to use the WeakMap: