Use multiple subscriptions from same collection in Meteor

I’d like to publish few different queries from the same collection, for example:

// server side:
Meteor.publish('status', () => Meteor.users.find({ '': true }, { fields: { status: 1, username: 1 } }));
Meteor.publish('subs', () => Meteor.users.find({ 'services.web3.subscription': { $elemMatch: { ts: { $gt: new Date().getTime() } } } }, { fields: { 'services.web3': 1 } }));

but when I subscribe to those on my client side:

// client side (React)
const { status } = useTracker(() => {
  return { status: Meteor.users.find().fetch() };

const { subs } = useTracker(() => {
  return { subs: Meteor.users.find().fetch() };

console.log(subs, status);

I get the same data for both subscriptions.

Can someone maybe explain how can I get data for only published version of data in my client-side subscriptions?


All subscribed data exists in one collection in the client. Therefore, you need to filter in the client depending on what data is needed