Using minimongo on the server

Has anyone succeeded in using minimongo on the server? It looks like it can be handy as a cache.

EDIT: It looks like you can create local collections on the server with:

var cache = new Mongo.Collection()

I just checked with meteor mongo - no collection - and data is lost on server restart - looks like it works.

If you mean as in not backed by an actual MongoDB database, then it won’t be consistent between instances if the servers are scaled-out (multiple instances).

If you just want to use a single server instance, or aren’t concerned about consistency, then it works fine - just use unmanaged collections, as these aren’t backed by MongoDB.

That’s a pretty neat idea. I’d been using node-cache, but of course that’s only a key-value store. My app hasn’t need to scale out yet, but I’ve abstracted away my use of node-cache to a package so that I can easily switch to something like redis if I ever need to.

edit: Minimongo on the server would be great if you could somehow use it with redis-oplog?

You can probably use the Vent feature to trigger the server to update its cache

P.s. if you read the edit, it looks like you can use minimongo on the server by creating it as a local collection

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Yeah, actually this could be really, really useful for something in my app, but it would mean cache invalidation would get really tricky if I ever needed more than one instance…

I think I’m gonna need to do some benchmarks… I have a feeling node-cache is probably faster for writing/reading, but using minimongo would mean I get all the benefits of mongo querying. Right now I do a lot of iterating over values stored in node-cache.

Highlight of my day, thanks @msavin

You could do invalidations with publish/subscribe to the cache from a DB (by DDPconnect to localhost: say CacheServer to MainServer). And make publications to Webclients directly from the CacheServer. :slight_smile: