🚦 TRANSMISSION #1: a weekly show w/Sashko broadcasting the latest from Meteor Forums

Ha ha. That’s a good advice :smile:

The video is up on the Meteor YouTube channel! If you have already listened to the audio, there’s nothing new here except some talking heads, but always good to have more ways to find content.

Thanks @benstr for the awesome production and design resourcefulness! I just had to call in and say stuff, he did all of the rest. Truly a hero.


Great show, thanks for taking the time both of you @benstr and @sashko!

Despite all the controversy around Blaze and React I definitely like having a less opinionated approach to the view technlogy and Meteor as a platform in general. It’s also really great to hear that 1.3 will be backwards compatible, looking forward to changing my apps / boilerplate into a more modular structure without any globals.

@sashko You could Try the same one josh owens uses for his podcast. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/450171-REG/Rode_PODCASTER_Podcaster_USB_Broadcast_Microphone.html

USB plug and play so You can just plug into your macbook and be done with it.

A little bit more money and you will get the industry standard for podcasts


To cut a long story short, these mics are dynamic mics so they won’t pick up noises around you or echoes that come from a non-acoustically treated room. Best choices for podcasts. Your mic picked up everything because the blue yeti mics are condenser mics. Very good for sound-treated rooms and not so great for normal untreated rooms like we have everywhere.


great talk by the way.

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@kaiyes thanks for the links and input. @sashko did not use a Yeti mic in the show, only I did. In the next show I think Sashko will be using a Yeti which MDG already owns but he did not have available to him during the first show.


Unasked question. MDG’s guide document officially recommends Flow Router what happens if Kadira and Co vanish from the face of the earth and Flow Router becomes orphaned what will MDG do?:

  1. Take over Flow Router showing that they will put their money where their mouth is.

  2. Put their money where their mouth is and help fund some other group so they can take over Flow Router support.

  3. Show that they will put their money where their mouth is by producing a comprehensive guide covering how to convert from Flow Router to another router MDG recommended.

  4. Look at the situation as an opportunity by provide consultants, at a modest price, to assist Meteor users in converting their applications ,

  5. Tell the world, “Why are you looking at us? It’s not our problem.”

A similar set of questions can be built around nodejs. Meteor is built on top of nodejs. Do they commit to upgrading to insure compatibility with future nodejs upgrades. Same with mongo.

Where am i coming from? I don’t expect perfection but then consider IBM. IBM has supported COBOL since at least 1960. I don’t expect MDG to be IBM but the issue as to how Meteor will be supported over the long term is valid.

I’m looking for a statement as to what they will provide long term support as well as what they won’t.

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Wow respect @sashko - very eloquent! Good podcast guys, looking forward to the next one.


I personally guarantee either 1, 2, or 3 will happen. That’s the whole point of the Meteor Guide - it’s the framework we stand behind and support.


@sashko and @benstr Great show and cannot wait for the next episode in the series and with everything Sashko does I expect him to show up in Where’s Waldo? playing the role of Waldo or Where Is My Gnome? playing the role of a Gnome going viral any day now.


Lets deprecate this thread in favor for the Show #2 thread

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“I personally guarantee either 1, 2, or 3 will happen.” No one could ask for a better answer. Thank you.

My plan? Stop treading water, develop, deploy, ignore churn, treat the takeaway (the guide) as gold, and file this chain away as a stick in case MDG loses its way.