šŸš¦ TRANSMISSION #2: broadcasting the latest from Meteor Forums

Sounds great, but unfortunately then I wouldnā€™t have any time to write any code. One idea we had is to go through afterwards and pick out highlights, for people that donā€™t have time to listen to our rambling.


Wow, I donā€™t agree with this at all - I find the conversation flow smooth, easy to follow and the pacing to be quite balanced. Keep in mind weā€™re tuning in to listen to Meteor devs discuss and answer the hot topics of this forum. I want to hear honest and heart felt discussions about these topics, not scripted and rehearsed answers. The more natural the better!


Yeah this is very exciting! Iā€™m sure @benjamn has got his ear to the ground on this stuff. Either way it wonā€™t make it into Meteor 1.3, but Iā€™m sure there is exciting stuff ahead.


Related to the Open Source discussion on this episode:

Dan Abramov just moved all of the rackt repos to the reactjs org, at Facebookā€™s urging. He explains his actions here ( https://github.com/reactjs/redux/issues/1392 ) and I think there are some parallels that could be drawn. The questions in that issue and Danā€™s clarifications are interesting too.

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