Telescope originally started as a Hacker News clone as one of the first open-source Meteor apps all the way back in 2012. But since then, it has changed a lot and evolved into a more flexible, more powerful all-purpose framework.
The project has also changed a lot on the technical side. The original Meteor/Blaze combo has been replaced with a React/Apollo app (although still currently powered by Meteor). And our goal is to make Apollo just as easy to use as Meteor’s traditional pub/sub system.
To reflect all this, we’ve decided to give the project a brand new name. Say hello to Vulcan!
It’s the perfect framework to get a Meteor + Apollo application up and running in the minimal amount of time. I’ve spoken to @sacha about the project and made a few comments, but there really isn’t anything stopping people from using it right now. So consider it if you’ve been looking at adding Apollo integration into your Meteor app, or you’re starting a new application, it’ll save you a lot of time!
Vulcan What’s Next
... one of our goals for 2017 is ... maybe also moving to a Meteor-agnostic accounts system such as Passport.
Well, Vulcan gives you a regular Meteor+Apollo app… so it’d be up to you to handle the extra client-only apps with Asteroid or something else, there’s no support for that kind of architecture built into Vulcan. But you could definitely use it to get a head start on generating your GraphQL schema and getting your data layer working.
Thanks for that. I really like Vulcan’s help docs:, Is there a place I can go to get the template, so I can use the format for my own help docs?