Webstorm Debugger crashes on Meteor Hot Rebuild

I make changes to the meteor code in Meteor 1.8 and the Webstorm Debugger crashes with “Starting inspector on failed: address already in use”. For some reason the the debug port is not being released. I don’t recall this issue in Meteor 1.7.

Each time I have to fully (manually) restart the app, which is annoying as I like Meteors hot rebuild/reload in developmenbt

My program args = --port 3001 --settings …/config/development/settings.json

Debugger id set to Single Instance Only.

Meteor expects to run on port 3000, and IIRC expects Mongo to be on 3001. Could you try running your app on --port 3000 and see if that works as expected?

Perhaps also try a killall node before running you Meteor.