Weird ES2015 issue - is it related to Meteor?

I’ve just ran into a surprising issue: I wanted to overwrite the HTML canvas getContext method (SO question). It turns out that this doesn’t work:

const _getContext = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = (type, options) => {
  console.log(this, arguments);
  // this is the window
  // arguments is something like [require(id), Object, Module, "/client/modules/MyModule.jsx", "/client/whereTheModuleWasImportedFrom", callee: (require,exports), length: 5
  return _getContext.apply(this, arguments);

but this works (note that I’m using the syntax function instead of () =>):

const _getContext = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = function(type, options) {
  console.log(this, arguments);
  // this is the canvas DOM element the function is called from
  // arguments is [type, option], as excepted
  return _getContext.apply(this, arguments);

And with a given DOM Canvas element canvas, both this:

const _getContext = canvas.getContext.bind(canvas);
canvas.getContext = (type, options) => {
  return _getContext(type, options);

and this:

const _getContext = canvas.getContext.bind(canvas);
canvas.getContext = function(type, options) {
  return _getContext(type, options);



  • Am I doing something wrong with the syntax?
  • Is it a bug? And if so:
    a) is it Meteor related?
    b) Should I look more into Babel stuff?

I’ve run into the same issue in a different context.

From the docs, arrow functions are not exactly like traditional functions in term of binding (