We're doing a few open source projects in Meteor in order to help science, education and healthcare around the world

Hi! As I said in the title, me and someone else are doing a few projects to help science, education and healthcare globally. Their first stage will always be a MVP built with Meteor, in order to assess interest.

This is the first one: https://github.com/For-Science/Crypto-For-Science available at https://www.cryptoforscience.com (I have to make it work without www. as well).

We’ll soon have some documentation for devs as well.

Its public Trello board is here: https://trello.com/b/QDlYTHye/cryptoforsciencecom

I also created a Telegram group for this and future projects: https://t.me/ForSEH

Our vision is big. We want this to become the #1 platform to fund scientific research, without fees or intermediaries. But any help with polishing up our MVP will be golden! New features, security fixes, anything would help lots. We’ll have a “Contributors” page, where anyone who has contributed can add his websites and any other info as well. Thank you for reading this!


OMG We got our first pull request!! https://github.com/For-Science/Crypto-For-Science/pull/2


We’re moving from Telegram to Slack, for better organization (for example, we have #marketers, #representatives, #developers channels)

Invite link for developers that want to join: https://join.slack.com/t/forseh/shared_invite/enQtMzQ5MzI1Mjc2NTMwLWZkMzRmNmM5NzRhNzM0OWE2MzlmNTZlMWJjYzViNmU0NjFmMjM3MTAyYzJiOWQ0NTVhMWZjMGNiYmJiMWI0NDg

Description from #general: ForSEH creates collaborative open-source unmonetized projects in order to help Science, Education and Healthcare around the world. The impact will be massive.