prior to meteor 2.2 I successfully created android app when using
java -version 1.8.0_292
android SDK 29.0.1
gradle 4.10.3
… above is pre meteor 2.2 …
So question is what java version is needed for meteor 2.2 ?
what android SDK ? pre meteor 2.2 used 29.0.1
what gradle ? 7.0.2 ?
These critical settings should appear on the release notes Changelog | Meteor API Docs … no ?
Thank you very much
OK so for meteor 2.2 I managed to create an android APK app file using
java JDK 1.8.0_292 # <--- unknown if newer jdk will work
android SDK 29.0.2 # <--- pure guess but it works saw this value in output from below build command
gradle 7.0.2 # <--- this is the big one it fails using 4.10.3 yet under the covers it seems to auto select version 6 something during the build step below
upon running the android app creation step
meteor build --server https://${GKE_DOMAIN_NAME} --verbose --directory /tmp/ --mobile-settings config/production.json
there seems to be copious amounts of automagic going on to auto select proper settings infact output from above command is where I saw mention of android SDK 29.0.2 … so I am good but sure wished the docs made these values explicit for each major release like meteor 2.2 … please reply with any doc link which shows proper android app creation meteor 2.2 settings