What hosting services are you using for your Meteor App?

@arunoda (or anyone else who knows this) – How well does Meteor Cluster handle scenarios where a balancer with a publicly accessible URL appears to be up to the rest of the cluster but is not accessible to certain user clients (e.g. because of delays in DNS propagation)?

Then that’s fine. It’ll retry for something available next.

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Hey @cottz , Can you please create a tutorial or point-to-one where we can learn that how to use mup for deploying meteor on GCE. I deployed one using Q42’s meteor-gce way but want to use mup .It would be great! Thanks in advance!

FWIW, here’s my setup:
It’s pretty simple.

  • AWS, two micro instances in two different AZ (right now at eu-west b/c it’s closer to my audience)
  • meteorhacks:cluster
  • mup
  • ELB with elb sticky sessions
  • No websockets obviously (DISABLE_WEBSOCKETS=1)
  • Mongo at compose.io in the same DC (eu-west)
  • Monitoring and alerting - cloudwatch
  • Uptime monitoring using monitority
  • logs using both cloudwatch logs and papertrail

I have a deployment on EC2 with MongoLab (and oplog). It’s working great for a realtime app for a stock trading community with about 600 continuous users pulling data and chatting all day.

Does MUP work in Windows yet?

Vultr is awesome. Their support is super fast (from my own experience) and servers are very performant. From what I can see their servers work better than DO.
I have a server on vultr that I use day and night and I never have any issues.

I use Modulus with Compose and it’s a great combination. Lately Modulus has had some trouble, but from what I’ve heard, that was due to them doing some serious changes on their side and it has been stable ever since then.

Also, scaling and organizing with modulus is pretty easy.

Anyone using Modulus having any issues lately?

We just released our deployment blog.


Hey all, we are using google cloud for meteor. Absolute thunder experience. And deployment is really easy and quick process. use Q42’s startup script for deployment.

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https://github.com/Q42/meteor-gce looks promising. Going to have to give this a try. Thanks @Invictus

A bit of an old thread, but I will add my two cents.

I use DO, AWS and Linode to host my apps(none being meteor yet, but I am working on that too and it shouldn’t make a difference since they are all just base linux machines).

To me each has a unique advantage.

  1. AWS - Most expensive, but you get amazing features that should make your life awesome. I am not going to get into them, but I will say that elastic beanstalk is amazing, oh and you can upgrade your machine with almost no downtime. Amazon is the only one of the cloud provider that lets me shut down a machine and then does not charge me for the minutes the machine is off. You can use that feature to save a lot of money, for instance, if you need to pop up a few more instances during peak hours. One note is that amazons costs can creep up very quickly under heavy use. You pay for everything separately(storage, network transfer, minutes machine is on) and the base amounts are not huge. One big advantage is that the amount of storage you have on your machine is not tied to the size of the processor and the amount of ram you have in the machine, so you only really need to upgrade what you need. But, with that said, they offer the least amount in the way of free stuff(after the first year), for instance when it comes to data transfer you only get 1GB free a month per machine

  2. Digital Ocean: Their 5$ 512MB machine is the cheapest offering and great when you are getting started. Overall I really like their offering, and think it is a great service, but you pay for any machine that is off and not in use, so you can’t just shutdown machines you are not using right now to save costs…
    Their backup service is no where near as mature as Amazon and upgrading your machine is no where near as smooth and cannot be done without significant downtime.
    With DO you get a nice amount of “free” stuff per machine, but if you need to upgrade the hard drive size then you need to upgrade the whole machine and not just the CPU/Ram amount. An important point is DO gives you 1 TB of free data transfer a month with the smallest 512MB machine(and 2TB with the 10$ machine).
    The “free” data transfer amount is not pooled between machines so if you had 4 512MB machines, you can’t use all of your “free” 4TB of data transfer on one machine. This can be important when you scale and are using a load balancer to direct all of your traffic.

  3. Linode: Similar to DO in pricing and features, the only difference is they start at a 10$ 1GB machine. Both services are run on SSD and from my experience both are very reliable. Linode like Digital Ocean charges you when a machine is off but not destroyed, and like DO upgrading your machine can take a while.
    In Linode you also get a fair amount of free goodies, for instance you get 2TB of free Data Transfer per 1GB Machine. An important difference between DO and Linode is that the “free” data transfer is pooled and can be used across all of your machines or on one machine alone if you so choose.

Currently most of my pre meteor apps are sitting on Linode. However, I am leaning towards only working with AWS in the future. Linode and DO give you the biggest bang for your buck(AWS isn’t even close). With that said they just can’t compete when it comes to aws feature set and overall ecosystem. For me the amount of time and headaches AWS is liable to save me is worth the extra costs.

That’s my two cents… :smile:


thanks @benja thats an awesome summary of those three options.

Running on my apps on Dokku for now. One dokku instance private at DO and one in our DMZ at work.


I use Linode + Arunoda’s mup + nginx for proxing domains to localhost ports.

Thanks @benja great info

Thanks - this tread is a great source for meteor hosting!
I would like to add http://www.cloudcontrolled.com (Amazon based) as an option with git/mercury hosting, unlimited deployment based on branches offers similar to heoku a wide range of Add-Ons (https://www.cloudcontrol.com/add-ons) which are very easy to integrate and all billed thru cloudcontrol. Autoscaling is not supported. The basic instance is free which makes it a perfect solution to start development and easily switch to production. Deployment is very simple based on cloudcontrol cli tool and with my custom buildpack for meteor on cloudcontrol:

My default setup includes this Add-Ons:

  • Mongolab
  • logentries
  • memcachier
  • Blitz.io
    alle of them exist in a free trial option
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