What is Software Requirements Specification?

Excuse me, I would like to plan develop the system in local company.
I choose Meteor & Mongo to build.
And then this company require me to set the Software Requirements Specification for them such as:

// Table Content
1.	Project goals (ready)

2.	System Architecture/Infrastructure

3.	User Dialogs and the Control Flow

4.	Background Tasks

5.	Database Model

6.	The interfaces to other systems

7.	Non-Functional Requirements (response times, security, ...)
7.1	Response Time
7.2	Security

8.	Dictionary for all relevant concepts/entities

I don’t understand any option (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).
Could you help me for this?
Thanks a lot for your reply.

This is a harsh truth, but if you can’t list out all of those for a project then you really shouldn’t be in charge of a company’s software systems.

Thanks for your reply, I know about what the system do, and I thinks that I can do it and manage the response time.
But I don’t know to orange docs.
Ex: System Architecture/Infrastructure, …

efrancis is right… If most of those concepts pass you by, you better get someone that knows to help you. Here is some info on tools and templates in requirements management area that may give you a general idea of the basic concepts, but to define a full SRS takes experience and theoretical knowledge of the subject area. You will need to register to get access. Have fun. :wink:
