WHAT IS THE BEST STRATEGY? - Can't get rid of Bootstrap's JQuery version error

I have removed twbs:bootstrap package, core Meteor jQuery and added their respective NPM packages.

All should have worked fine as now bootstrap 3.3.7 works perfectly fine wit jQuery version 3. Yet I still get the message:

Error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 3

I want to follow MDG’s directives and move most of my packages from Atmosphere to NPM. Bootstrap and JQuery seems the logical first steps. They are major packages and are all over my project. But that doesn’t sound possible!!!

I do have lots of packages from atmosphere that depends on bootstrap and jQuery. I have no idea of what is going on… Are those packages loading their own versions (duplicate?) of Bootstrap and jQuery as well? Is that what is still bringing the error message? How do I make sure I load only one version to be used on all packages that depend on them?

If you are using bootstrap for css only, you can just remove bootstrap package and add its CSS via link tag in your main.html

No, I am using bootstrap js as well.

Are you implying that both would not ever work?

I’m not sure. At least I didn’t manage to but then I didn’t need anything from bootstrap js so it was just an easy solution for me so I didn’t tried that hard.