What MeteorJS content do you miss the most on YouTube?

This is just a super-qick survey to align our future content with the needs of the community. It would be awesome if as many people as possible can fill out the survey.

  • Up-to-date tutorials
  • Live coding a big app (Let’s code)
  • Understanding MeteorJS
  • Talks with guests from other frameworks (MeteorJS vs. XYZ)
  • Something else (comment)
0 voters

Thank you :pray:


With Youtube time stamps, Live Coding can easily include Up-to-date tutorials considering that this is video not document/page. Basically, tutorials are … live coding unless someone just shows a scrolling of the Meteor documentation.

I think something that could help a lot, and I see it plenty with NextJS, is live coding of specific cases:

  1. Do an infinit wall of feeds
  2. e-commerce
  3. filter products for e-commerce
  4. authentication (indeed)
  5. implement payment within a Meteor project
  6. web scrapping with Meteor
  7. microfrontends in Meteor
  8. microservices with Meteor
  9. IoT with Meteor
  10. Various front ends with Meteor.
  11. Design libraries (e.g MUI) with a front end in Meteor. This can show data pulling on a Autocomplete input fields, deal with checkmarks, document saving and implement PWA.
  12. Crypto wallet with Meteor
  13. AI with Meteor. For instance a case where the AI (volatile) stream of conversation is being backed up on a DB for future reference.

I personally like how Sonny builds his content https://www.youtube.com/@SonnySangha.
This platform also has beautifully structured materials for developers: Build & Deploy Movix Single Page Web Application with React & Redux | Full Course


Now, with Meteor 3, up-to-date tutorials make a lot of sense, as we now have to work more with async, and all the new things :raised_hands:


I was thinking it would be cool to do a live coding session for a big app and add timestamps for easy navigation. Afterward, break down the video into smaller, up-to-date tutorials.


As noted elsewhere, in the last almost ~4 years, this picked up a lot it seems:

If this is more open-ended, it would be great to see apples-to-oranges comparisons that are more end-to-end. So for example lately we got a laser-focus update on Blaze but I have no context for that really. I am not going to shift to React on principle ( and taste ) but that is preferential and mutually exclusive to Vue.js … Blaze does not seem to be mutually exclusive but might be supportive or parallel. And same for the mobile and desktop implementations of the code base; they are different lanes of concern, different aspects, etc.

The radical depth and breath of “shock and awe” possible with Meteor seems like a tour de force is in order soon. And possibly demonstrate from a perspective of “maxing out all the cores” and then showing off a bit, but not in a theoretical or anecdotal system… something off-the-charts powerful that cloning might change your income bracket or make you into the wizard for your Oz. Something visible-from-space, which this ecosystem is uniquely capable of pulling off. I feel there is “National Geographic Dawn of Time” WOW here.

Also opinionated “best practices” in the Meteor 3 landscape. I feel like there is a huge gulf between the current norm and the prior norm(s). Feels “wild west” a bit more than necessary. Maybe a step before “black diamond” that is not “bunny slopes” but more like a play-through by a pro.

I feel like the “Skier versus Snowboarder” dichotomy/rivalry is alive and well but now we call it React versus Vue.js or the like. I would watch either side but just know there is no way I am switching teams. Underneath though, I should be Team Meteor under that and feel confident of that part, while challenging but not chiding another sect… but not doubting any common ground.

“Sane” and “coherent” would be great at this stage. Running into Meteor now, it feels like 1-2 vs. 3 might as well be named something else it feels like ( not suggesting that ) to just be sure we are not thinking in old terms. Even if there is not a legitimate reason to feel like that, there is so much fog new comers cannot be sure of North. Maybe it’s what we call “West” now, if you watched all the steps and know all the insider jargon and concepts. I have used examples from documentation, many times, and gotten a ( courteous ) reaction like I must be from the dark ages when asking why I did it like that… :grimacing: does not build to self-trust in a new environment very fast. And then there are multiple oceans of packages, not just eras of packages but literally different package sources and behaviors of how they fit into the system… one feels party to roulette.

I know there is a bikeshed here when it comes to opinions, but if someone wants to declare “I am a Vue.js advocate” or other, and then let it be, and have others do the same things in their lineage of opinion, great!

A lot of concepts and conventions would translate, and some overlap, for example with WebApp practices not being much different I imagine. And right there in the overlap, I feel like Meteor itself would show through.

I find myself write sugar and abstracting more than usual, purely to skirt areas which feel uncertain, so that later I can make a fundamental change because I will inevitably be wrong, or learn to hate the current way.

Can only have a proper snowball fight/war between friends if not on our asses. If we have confidence of “ride down mountain” ( without Sunny Bono experience ) and have that shown both in Snowboard and Ski varieties and pronounce that difference, and cover the same ground different ways until we feel bored rather than confused, I would be very glad.