I am trying to configure meteors account vertification system.I have managed to send vertification mails to registered users withAccounts.config({sendVerificationEmail: true});
I have also noticed that when user clicks to the link it adds vertificationToken to database and redirects user to the index page.I am using meteor just as a backend for a mobile app.I would like to redirect user to a custom page after clicking vertification link,not to the index page.How do i do that ?
Another thing is how do i use that vertificationToken to make verified= true under users document ? So i can check that value before user logs in and act based on that.
Tried this in server side:
Accounts.onEmailVerificationLink((token, done) => {
Accounts.verifyEmail(token, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.log("Error: ", err);
} else {
but i get TypeError: Accounts.onEmailVerificationLink is not a function error.I just want to verify the account not automaticly log in user.