Hi fellows! Sorry for the generic title but i’ve just shipped my first app with Meteor, i’m really happy with the result and now i want to make some experimental apps, so nothing serious.
My first app is built with Blaze,started with Meteor 1.2 and then updated to Meteor 1.3, so nothing particularly strange from a technologies perspective :D.
Now i just want to improve myself before shipping the next app, and i was thinking to study new stuff like React,React Native(?) and other! What do you suggest? I’m interested also on mobile development with Meteor, so maybe React Native is a good choice? Please feel free to give me any suggestions on new technologies to study and if you like also some sources or books to buy! Thanks 
p.s. I was thinking to read the whole Meteor 1.3 Guide since i started with the 1.2 version of Meteor
I’m in the same boat. If you haven’t already, you should listen to the podcast Transmission, episode #11. They get into Apollo, React Native, and other topics on the bleeding edge of Meteor. @benstr does a great job asking questions about the tradeoffs for current, and understandably “freaked out” Meteor developers who are trying to surf the changes.
Thanks i’ll listen the Podcast right now! By the way it would be useful if someone experienced would make a guide(maybe is too much) on how to move/improve after you know the default stuff of Meteor(Iron-Router,Blaze etc…) 
By the way it would be useful if someone experienced would make a guide(maybe is too much) on how to move/improve after you know the default stuff of Meteor
I think this is up to you, as a developer, to research as it totally depends on what type of application you need to develop/improve and the scale of the project.
I would however look into using react for your view layer. I was hesitant to make the transition over to react after getting comfortable with blaze, but it has really changed the way I develop and my code is now beautifully segregated.
Also, I would try swapping out iron-router with flow-router. I encountered numerous issues with iron-router that immediately disappeared when switching over to flow-router.
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Thanks i think i’ll dive right now in React and switch to flow router!And probably explore Cordova, waiting for React Native
Your first shipped app, congrats. I’m not even close to that far. Did you have to use publish-composite or something similar to deal with your data?
As far as learning next-level Meteor, I’ve found The Meteor Chef tutorials to be amazing. The content’s so great I went ahead and signed up as a member, even though the tutorials are free.
I’ll recommend React, and then Cordova, and then Apollo, and then React Native.
Nope! i didn’t even know the existence of it lol, i just used the default Meteor subscriptions and publish
Thanks for the help guys! I’ll dive into React