Which Package is being used for this Forum?

I need to know which package has been used for creating this forum (forums.meteor.com)? Also how one can know by checking a web page (or it’s source code) - which package(s) has been used by the web page?

Thanks in advance.

Sanjay Kumar

It’s not a Meteor app. It’s well known forum app called Discourse. See: https://www.discourse.org/


Thanks for your quick response. Could you please respond to second question as well?

Also how one can know by checking a web page (or it’s source code) - which package(s) has been used by the web page?

Sanjay Kumar

If using Chrome, just hit F12.

It will give you full access to everything used to create the webpage, including the javascript source. It might be minimized, but the info you seek is in there.

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Thanks jacobin :smile:

Actually my answer is not meteor specific, but one useful chrome extension is wappalyzer, it shows frameworks the website built with. below image is forums.meteor.com


And that post from Medium
What I’ve found after scraping 1740 Meteor apps

This is helpful. I will check out this chrome extension.

checkout builtwith.com

If you know the site was created using Meteor, run the following in your browser’s JS console:
