While you bring up many good points Harry, contributions to Meteor core are not everything and only a tiny portion of community can do that (skill, time, idea, need, etc.).
I absolutely agree OSS isn’t everything, people have to put food on the table and are busy with their jobs to contribute to it. In some cases, OSS is nothing but free labor where large corporations benefit from gullible/novice developers who are trying to contribute and gain recognition. OSS, isn’t what it used to be, people need to be wary of what they contribute to.
Actually pretty lately I’ve started to ponder the use of contributing to FOSS, that’s why you might have seen me go silent on collection2, although I used to be pretty active with issues/PRs.
Why should I work for free if I’m not being compensated for it? When I could be using my own time for my own benefit, even if I’m not doing anything “productive”. Before, I used to look down on those who don’t contribute to FOSS and thought they were inferior to me, the all benevolent, tech savvy, FOSS contributor that I’m, but nowadays I admire those who only work on proprietary stuff, claim their money and enjoy their free time.
I’ve spent almost an entire week worth of full time work, if not more, to remove underscore from the entire Meteor packages ecosystem, but was merely met with a cold rejection to say the least. Is that something @fredmaiaarantes you’re willing to look into?
Another thing that I have noticed in general is that certain communities tend to stay away from the global community and instead are active in their local community without much interaction to the global one, this is also often times related to language barrier (Japan is a nice example for this, and seems to me Brazil as well).
Again, a solid point which I agree with.
Another part is the corporate vs FOSS developer where the corporate do not communicate on open channels like these forums. So not seeing someone on the core projects isn’t necessarily a good indicator of their involvement.
Sure thing but when one of your main duties is to contribute to FOSS, it’d would be a huge benefit to have some prior experience.
If I think back Filipe also, at least from my point of view, came out of nowhere, but he quickly proved him selves with moving things forward. Fred and the next CEO are going to have to do the same. The community is watching.
That’s true but Filipe was around prior to coming in the picture whether on the forums or open source side. But still you got a point.
I’m sorry @fredmaiaarantes if my words came too strong, as you may tell I care deeply about Meteor and want to see it flourish which is why I get so emotional about it sometimes 
But I’m definitely looking forward to you turning things around as we have nothing but common goals and I’d be the happiest man if Meteor makes it for both of our benefit.
BTW, is today your birthday? Happy birthday Jan!