When I had this method in /both/methods.js:
'insertPerson': function(firstname, lastname, streetaddr1, streetaddr2, placename, stateorprov, zipcode, emailaddr, phone) {
console.log('insertPerson reached'); // TODO: Remove before deploying
check(firstname, String);
check(lastname, String);
check(streetaddr1, String);
check(streetaddr2, String);
check(placename, String);
check(stateorprov, String);
check(zipcode, String);
check(emailaddr, String);
check(phone, String);
per_firstname: firstname,
per_lastname: lastname,
per_streetaddr1: streetaddr1,
per_streetaddr2: streetaddr2,
per_placename: placename,
per_stateorprov: stateorprov,
per_zipcode: zipcode,
per_emailaddr: emailaddr,
per_phone: phone,
per_createdBy: this.userId
…it failed to work - no Document was entered. CDT said, “check is not defined”
Say what?!? check(value, pattern) is a common Meteor sanity check pattern.
Once I commented out all the check()s, though, sure enough, the Document was inserted into the database. So what gives with the unrecognition of check(value, pattern)?