I saved my Meteor project’s folder to SkyDrive; it took “forever” to upload; the size of the folder is 106.99 MB. This is a nascent project wich doesn’t have many files, and they are not large; there is only one image (just a favicon). Why so huge?
It’s the database you also uploaded Mongo preoccopies a chunk of diskspace from the get go for reasons of speed.
Where is it located? Is it hidden? I see no large (huMONGOus) file.
You’ll find it in .meteor/local/db
You shouldn’t upload the local folder.
There’s a reason it has a local gitignore excluding it
There’s got to be a better way, but for now I will:
Copy the folder to another location
Remove the .meteor folder
Upload what remains as a “poor-man’s backup” to Skydrive
Sure, the better way is to unfortunately not use SkyDrive.
I’d suggest getting into some form of Version Control. When combined with a 3rd party(Github,Bitbucket etc) you also get a free backup.
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