I’ve been using Apollo for a few years, and I still don’t understand why the extra declaration is needed like:
query YourQuery($variableX: String!) {
someQuery(variableX: $variableX) {
- First, renaming a query can just lead to more confusion in your code.
- Second, the syntax with the $ is totally foreign, I imagine, to most normal developers. Any mistake here can lead to other confusing errors.
- Third, I’m not sure I ever had the need for any of this.
I recently found out that you can use Apollo Tooling to generate types so you can declare a query like:
useQuery<YourQuery, YourQueryVariables>(QUERY, { variables: { variableX } })
But I’m not sure how much this extra stuff is buying me. And again, why is a different name recommended/required.
I usually always have the two declarations with the same name, so I don’t confuse myself more that I need to.