With Vue 2.0 - Why not use Vue.js as view layer? (Vue.js will support virtual DOM and jsx)

Update! akryum:vue-component@0.2.0 now supports lang attribute for <template> tag in your single-file vue components, with jade package as an example: https://github.com/Akryum/meteor-vue-component/tree/master/packages/vue-jade
You can make your own and submit a PR to add it to the list here: https://github.com/Akryum/meteor-vue-component/tree/master/packages/vue-component#language-packages


@akryum I will create a vue-component branch of my project to evaluate it against my current webpack+vue solution. But will vue-component support CoffeeScript as a lang attribute for <script>?

That’s a cool idea. :wink:

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This is great. Looking forward to try it out.

lang attribute is now supported on <script> tags, with coffeescript official package (and typescript in the future).


Official sass/scss support:


A step-by-step integration tutorial would be nice.

Hooray for CoffeeScript support! :raised_hands:


Very easy and fast internationalization for your app! https://github.com/Akryum/meteor-vue-component/tree/master/packages/vue-i18n
[Edit] Added an example app


Awesome! But, how to use PostCSS with plugins?

How about SSR support?
For example https://github.com/thereactivestack/meteor-react-router-ssr

And one more request. :slight_smile: How about template-level-subscriptions?

I found example, but without code-automation (like Blaze).

Great job! :+1: This project is amazing. I will switch from webpack to meteor-vue-component as soon as the hot module reload is working.

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SSR will be supported in Vue 2.0 (still in alpha). I will start updating to it when it reaches a more stable state.


I feel Vue.js gives the same feeling “this is what I am looking for” as the one that makes me be interested in meteor. At the end, if programmers write code, it is easy to understand that we may be interested in the style of code we need to type and read. So, Vue.js for the programmer’s POV and Meteor for DDP stuff.

You can already do that with the first package I made for the project, akryum:vue.

In your vue component, add a meteor object with a subscribe nested object (more info).

I added vuex integration to easily manage your application state in one place!

(Edit) Example app


Some breakings changes happened in the akryum:vue-router package. And some more in the akryum:vuex package.

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I admit I did not study this package in particular, but for shure, translation needs to be done through a work in progrss that needs to be backed by a user interface (forms), so, not through hard coded files.

Also, translated content needs to remain available, if the user works offline, but takes into account new translated content, so the whole app user interface can be used (with many labels or other text, such as pick lists, filter criterions, etc.)