Worth moving from sublime to atom?

Linters are also real pain in the ass if you try to use somebody’s code from a tutorial, either to learn or to check out how particular service or library works. You copypaste the code into your file, click save and BANG, you end up spending more time correcting the code to your linter’s liking than on actual tutorial.

Set "eslint.autoFixOnSave": true in Visual Studio Code settings.

This is a good point, and I think maybe why people get turned off by linting. I don’t lint/fix the actual file, but instead use a plugin for Atom: https://atom.io/packages/linter-eslint

This lets you see the issues without actually preventing the build. As @tab00 pointed out, if you’re super comfortable with your linter setup, then fixing on save will definitely save you some time on re-working pasted code.

I’m using Atom for reading code (especially when hired to work on ‘in-progress’ project) and Webstorm for writing code. The thing is - Atom is easy to install, free, very performant with linters(and linting-packages) out from the box and does the awesome “Search text in project” that works fast and lovely.

But once the real deal begins… I have to use real IDE, cause you know…

When you gaze long into abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

Well, it has been about 27 days since I made this post and, as you would expect, atom is no longer the best way to signal to others that you “know whats up”. I’m increasingly seeing VScode mentioned in posts. Is it worth making the jump?

As redux is still in, it seems like a good time to learn a new text editor over the next 20 days or so before I have to start learning whatever npm library will replace redux. Is VS code the way to go during this lull?

Hey @sashko, how did you get debugging to work?

I can only make it work if I put debugger; statements in my code. And then I cannot navigate to other files to set breakpoints. I try setting them in the code as prescribed but none of the breakpoints hit. See #22818 on vscode.