wrapAsync issues

Hi there,
I need to call an async method in a meteor method. I’m trying to use Meteor.wrapAsync for this, but it is only returning {state: 'pending'}. How can I resolve this?

The normal async request:

                embed: true,
                redirect_url : "https://example.com",
                customer : {
                    id : Meteor.userId()
            }).request((error, result) => {

The request with wrapAsync returning state pending:

        try {
            var query = chargebee.portal_session.create({
                embed: true,
                redirect_url : "https://example.com",
                customer : {
                    id : Meteor.userId()
            var result = Meteor.wrapAsync(query.request)();
            console.log("result", result);
            return result;
        } catch (error) {
            throw new Meteor.Error(500, 'Failed to retrieve billing page', error);

It looks like you are applying wrapAsync to the wrong thing? I suspect what you are looking for is something like:

var syncChargebeeCreate = Meteor.wrapAsync(chargebee.portal_session.create, chargebee.portal_session);
var result = syncChargebeeCreate({ ... your options });

I tried this, too. It doesn’t work, because request isn’t called sync or like in your case not at all.

Okay, this is probably beyond my capabilities. Is it possible to call the API directly with HTTP.get()? (in synchronous mode)

Try this : meteorhacks:async

var res = Async.runSync(function(done){
         embed: true,
         redirect_url : "https://example.com",
         customer : {
               id : Meteor.userId()
   }).request((error, result) => {
           done(error, result);

Thank you. This works, but doesn’t it freeze the entire server until it completes? This would not work in my case.